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Tools and Tips to Keep Your Life Clutter Free

One of the basic reasons for a lack of productivity is the inability to focus on the task at hand. Lack of focus can come about due to many different reasons, but most have in common an unorganized system that does not allow you to think clearly. Just like you are unable to find the right pair of socks in a room that has not been cleaned for days, you are unlikely to find a way to work unless you have organized your personal and official issues systematically.

Organizing the task at hand is not only important during a person’s professional development phase but is highly significant for students as well. For example, a student that hopes to improve their vocabulary will not be able to do this quickly unless and until the lists and words are organized in a manner that makes learning easy. Vocabulary building is made significantly easier if the words are grouped in accordance to their level of difficulty.

Organization helps in studying, but the same tips also apply to many other areas. A few basic tips can allow you to organize your inbox, lists, and other materials you need to be productive, and simplify your life as well.

Categorize Your Files

Rather than keeping all your files in a single folder it is highly recommended that you create a different folder for each category. This will save you considerable time and effort when you are searching for the relevant file. These files do not merely pertain to work related documents but also documents that contain personal matters such as financial records, receipts, bank statements, and more. What’s more, this applies to both physical files and virtual computer-based ones.

De-clutter Your Inbox

Many people automatically check their inbox every few minutes, even if they’re not expecting anything in particular. This habit is likely to distract you from the work at hand. Rather than repeatedly viewing the same emails every time you open your inbox, you can work on de-cluttering your inbox. This can be done by sorting through your mail during early morning hours and replying, discarding or starring mails in accordance to their level of priority. This habit will save time and effort throughout the day. In addition, checking your email during early morning hours will ensure that you do not miss any important mails that require immediate action.

The advancements in technology made in the last several years means that a variety of tools are available that can allow you to work with your inbox and other computer work spaces, prioritize the tasks at hand, and organize your life in a way that focuses on enhancing productivity.

Use Google

Google offers its users a range of features including Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Circles, all of which can help you avoid clutter in your inbox and elsewhere. For example, Gmail automatically distinguishes between mail that is work related, promotional, or sent through social media websites. This allows you to focus on work related mail during busy office hours while checking promotion and social networking related mail during your free time. Google Calendar also allows you to mark important events which you and other users of the same calendar can review on a regular basis.


Drop Box allows you to load files and access them from any location. This means you can create folders and place files in them according to their category while at work, but still be able to open and edit those files when you’re off site.


This application will allow you to store passwords and other details of individual accounts within a single account. A master password is given for the application, which means that you will only be required to remember one password instead of range of passwords.


This application allows you to store important events and occasions and categorize them in accordance to their importance. For example, categories such as “tasks due in three days,” “tasks due within a week,” and other important data can be stored on the application. You can review the schedule on a daily basis in order to identify the next task that you need to work on. This will allow you to organize your life rather than spending an hour simply thinking of what your next task should be!

Organizing your life will allow you to engage in a habit of working methodically on each task as it comes up. This will save time and effort, and quickly enhance your productivity.

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